Disability Matters 2022 – Europe

2022 Disability Matters
Europe Conference & Awards
When: 26 – 27 July, 2022
Where: Live-stream
Sponsorship Opportunities available for the event. Or, if you have questions, please contact [email protected]
(1-1/2 day Conference & Awards)
Please note – General or Sponsor Admission, regardless of registration, in order to gain entry to the event, you must be corporate personnel.
CART Captioning will be provided for the event.
Hosted by:
Barilla G. e R. F.lli S.p.A.
We are an Italian family in love with good food
Our story begins in Parma in 1877, with a small bread and pasta shop. Today, more than 140 years later, our products are present in over 100 countries and have become icons of the food sector. Despite this, we have remained a family business, not listed on the stock exchange. https://www.barillagroup.com/it/
DMEUR 2022 AGENDA (Final Rev 1 25 July 2022)
TIME ZONE: Central European Summer Time (CEST) UTC / GMT +2
Time | Topic |
9:00 am – 9:15 am | Welcome Nadine Vogel |
9:15 am – 9:30 am | Opening Remarks Giangaddo Prati |
9:30 am – 10:15 am | Disability & Education Moderator: Prof. Gabriele Giorgi Panelists: Dr. Georgia Libera Finstad Emanuela Ingusci Nicola Mucci Jose M. Leon-Perez Description. Research trends and intervention in disability management. |
10:15 am – 11:15 am | Workforce Moderator: Talita Ramos Erickson Panelists: Rosanna Maserati Daniele Regolo Christian Schinko Description: Hear from this year’s award winners about the initiatives that brought them to the Disability Matters stage. This award is.in recognition of their company’s programs/initiatives that touch on all aspects of talent acquisition and management, learning and development, human resources and technology. |
11:15 am – Noon
| Keynote Presentation Gretchen Vogel |
Noon – 1:00 pm | LUNCH BREAK |
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm | The Film Industry & Persons with Disabilities: Your unique creativity and authenticity is needed now. Moderator: Mrs. Rayna Lountzis Panelists: Lewis Ian Bray Amanda Graham Ms. Maria Rogers Description: Destigmatizing mental health and disability in the film industry both in front and behind the camera. |
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm | Invisible Disabilities and Wellbeing in the Workplace Moderator: Dr. Christine Parker
Panelists: Mandy Aulak Mr. Gavin Cooper Description: Dr Christine Parker, Associate Professor at University of Derby UK with Mandy Aulak, Solicitor, Director and Co-Founder, Talem Law UK, specialist in Employment Law & SEN/Disability and Gavin Cooper Director of MIND Derbyshire UK discuss hidden disabilities in the workplace especially mental health diagnoses and difficulties. An overview, the case for inclusivity, and empowering employers to support wellbeing for all. |
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm | Workplace Moderator: Talita Ramos Erickson Panelists: Phil Canale Karin Flinspach Simona Piva Description: Hear from this year’s award winner about the initiative(s) that brought them to the Disability Matters stage. This award is in consideration of a company’s programs/initiatives that speak to its culture relative to the support for resources, engagement, celebration and retention of employees who either have a disability or are caring for someone with a disability. . |
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm | Creating Menopause-Inclusive Workplaces Dinah Tobias Description: Dinah Tobias, Founder of Blooming Menopause will outline why workplaces need to be taking action around creating menopause-inclusive workplaces. She will discuss why this stage of life does not need to limit careers for those navigating it and how employers can and should work to retain this talented, experienced group of employees. Menopause is not a disability but many of the symptoms can be difficult to manage. The session will explore best practice workplace adjustments that every workplace could consider. |
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm | Wrap-Up day-1 Nadine Vogel |
TIME ZONE: Central European Summer Time (CEST) UTC / GMT +2
Time | Topic |
9:00 am – 9:15 am | Welcoming Remarks Nadine O. Vogel |
9:15 am – 9:45 am | A Fireside Chat. Intersectionality: What does it mean and how does it manifest itself for people from being included in the workplace? Moderator: Nadine O. Vogel Panelists: Gurchaten Sandhu Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett Description: A fireside chat hosted by Nadine Vogel, with Gurchaten Sandhu from ILGA World Programmes and Adrian Hyyrylainen-Trett, Inclusion & Diversity Advisor for Anglo American discussing the layers of intersectionality, and how their race/ethnicity, invisible disabilities, sexual orientation and Gender identity creates challenges and how can psychological safety be increased for others to be their authentic selves in the workplace? |
9:45 am – 10:15 am | Practical Inclusion: Usability Testing for Evaluating Accessibility Chris Hass Peter McNally Description: Accessibility best practices may not be incorporated into your organization’s processes. As a result, vital perspectives may be omitted from product or service selection, design, and/or development activities. You may have suspicions that job application tools and the tools employees are asked to use present accessibility and usability barriers. This seasoned duo of User Experience (UX) research practitioners will introduce usability testing as a tool for assessing product accessibility. We’ll cover the anatomy of a usability test, its practical uses, and the invaluable ROI it provides for embedding accessibility into product-related processes, generating unbiased truths for decision making, defeating office politics, and amplifying the value of accessibility within organizations of all sizes and types. |
10:15 am – 11:15 am | Marketplace Moderator: Floriana Notarangelo Panelists: Prof. Gianluca Amatori Karthik Kannan Andrea Pontremoli Christian Schinko Description: Hear from this year’s award winners about the initiatives that brought them to the Disability Matters stage. This award is in consideration of a company’s programs/initiatives that focus on the outreach, communication and marketing of products and/or services to consumers who are individuals who either have a disability and/or have a dependent with special needs. |
11:15 am – Noon
| Keynote Presentation Chris Moon, MBE |
Noon – 12:30 pm | Awards Presentation |
12:30 pm – 12:45 pm | Closing Remarks Mauricio Cannavacciuolo |
12:45 pm – 1:00 pm | Farewell Nadine O. Vogel |
Gretchen Vogel was born with a myriad of disabilities, none of which stops her from independently living life to the fullest.
Gretchen is currently employed at Springboard Consulting (www.consultspringboard.com). In her tenure, she has served in many capacities and currently as the Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer. And previously interned at Prudential Financial in the Life Insurance Death Claims division.
Gretchen is also a motivational keynote speaker, sharing her signature talk, “Expectations, Tribulations and Triumph.” Gretchen takes you through her life’s journey from birth to adulthood… you’ll learn that at birth Gretchen was diagnosed with what is often referred to as Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, which means she had joint contractures of hands, arms, legs and feet, in addition to having her feet positioned at her shoulders. She also had a complete nervous system shutdown leaving her without reflexes including the ability to suck, swallow, and track, which has caused her to live with lifelong disabilities. In addition, she was born to a business executive and a U.S. Army Lieutenant, RANGER; two people that don’t take “no” as an answer very easily. So when the doctors told Gretchen’s parents she wouldn’t do much in life and that she may not live… well, they had other plans in mind for baby Gretchen.
Gretchen’s story will challenge what you see and what you might be thinking. She’ll take you through her parents’ expectations, then her own expectations, and through those tribulations, all which culminates into a beautiful story about life’s challenges and its successes. The lesson… you shouldn’t ever give-up on what matters to you. It may take a little longer than expected, but you eventually get there.
Since Gretchen started presenting in 2013, she had spoken at corporate events, schools, and at conferences.
You know how those doctors said Gretchen wouldn’t do much, well… she has a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Psychology and a minor in Studio Art from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Gretchen enjoys painting, water aerobics, and yoga. She resides in South Florida with her service dog Coco.
Chris Moon helps people and organisations around the world grow and improve personal and team performance. He’s been a keynote speaker and run change and leadership programs for twenty years working with the public and private sector and international business schools. He’s one of the most fortunate people to be alive you’re likely to meet. His exploits have been covered in a Discovery documentary I Shouldn’t Be Alive.
Chris is a former British Army Officer with three year’s operational experience who left to work for a charity clearing landmines. He’s survived being taken prisoner in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge (one of the most brutal terror groups in history) and negotiated his release and that of two colleagues from threatened execution.
In 1995 he was blown up in a supposedly safe area of a minefield in remote East Africa losing an arm and a leg (ironically doing one of the least dangerous things he did). He survived initially because he treated himself. About fourteen hours after injury, he arrived in South Africa where doctors say they’d never seen anyone live with such a small amount of blood.
He recovered four times faster than expected and in 1996; within a year of leaving hospital ran the London Marathon, raised significant sums to help disabled people in the developing world and successfully completed a full time Master’s Degree in human behaviour.
Chris taught himself to run and is thought to be the world’s first amputee ultra-distance runner after completing the Marathon De Sables in 1997. He’s run the world’s toughest ultra-marathons, most recently the Badwater Death Valley 135 mile ultra and the Devon Coast to Coast 117-mile Race. He’s led numerous teams to complete rigorous challenges ranging from climbing mountains to cycling the length of Cambodia.
When it comes to challenging the concept of limitation, adapting to change, and overcoming adversity Chris walks the talk. He has a passion for the process of achievement and uses his unique experiences to help people do what they do better. Chris speaks with enthusiasm and humour on resilience, change, personal and strategic leadership, and all aspects of behavioural choices. His interactive presentations and workshops are tailored to desired outcomes and actions.
Tuesday, 26 July, 2022 / Day-1
Transcript Recording 1 >>
Transcript Recording 2 >>
Recording 1 | Recording 2 |
Wednesday, 27 July, 2022 / Day-2 (Will Post Soon, Being Edited)
Transcript Recording 1 >>
Transcript Awards >>
Recording 1 | Awards |
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If you have any questions, please contact Ivette Lopez; E: [email protected]; T: +1-973-813-7260 x.102.
Contact us
Continue to check back with us as we update our sponsors daily! If interested in becoming a Sponsor or participating in the event, there is still time! To become a sponsor, please contact Ivette Lopez; E: [email protected]; T: 1-973-813-7260 x.102.
To purchase a ticket, click the Tickets and Registration Tab at the top.