Join these amazing Companies and their Chief Diversity Officers on a mission to achieve Disability Inclusion, and see what they have to say; view the video below…



Chief Diversity Officers for Disability Inclusion LogoChief Diversity Officers for Disability Inclusion™

Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs) for Disability Inclusion™ intends to assemble the business community to progress the mainstreaming of people with disabilities in the workforce, workplace and marketplace. It creates a blueprint for a set of actions the undersigned companies will take to foster an accessible and safe environment for individuals with disabilities; whether visible or not, and to ensure individuals with disabilities feel welcomed, are treated fairly and equitably, and feel comfortable disclosing their disabilities with or without a need for an accommodation.

The signatories serve as the diversity leaders of their companies and are dedicated to working with other company leaders and colleagues to execute the following pledge at their workplaces.

As diversity leaders of some of the largest corporations in the United States, we are role-models; it is important that we ensure candidates, employees, and customers with disabilities, as well as those caring for dependents with disabilities, are fully and appropriately included in everything we do from the workplace to the marketplace.  Understanding that this segment is the largest and fastest growing minority in the world, making this commitment a business imperative.

Beyond compliance, there are a myriad of issues that must be addressed to successfully engage, employ and retain this large, loyal segment of the world’s population.  What this requires is commitment, conversation and collaboration, which will lead to action.  Although we are passionate about this work, passion without action will not yield the desired results.  Therefore, we will:

  1. Create and maintain a culture of trust where employees feel comfortable to disclose their disability and request accommodations as needed.
  2. Implement and expand education on disability etiquette and awareness to help our employees become comfortable communicating, engaging, and working side-by-side individuals with all types of disabilities; providing them with the tools to do so in an appropriate manner.
  3. Help other companies start, grow, and/or enhance their current disability inclusion strategies by sharing successes and learnings at a special closed-door, invitation-only, CDO session held annually following Springboard’s Disability Matters North America Conference.
  4. Be accountable to our peers by tracking our company-specific progress and sharing regular updates on invitation only quarterly conference calls.
  5. Call on our CDO colleagues across Corporate America to join us on this most important journey.

For our companies, this commitment means good, productive and profitable business; for our employees and customers with disabilities, this commitment means the world.

To take the pledge, contact us at info@vnkjacll.elementor.cloud and in the subject-line state, “I AM TAKING THE PLEDGE!



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Colgate Logo
Colgate Logo
Intuit Logo
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Colgate Logo