

Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce

Written by Nadine Vogel
as told to Cindy Brown

We hope you will order this highly acclaimed book.

Companies use “DIVE IN” to support training for their Human Resources, Diversity, Talent Acquisition, Work-Life and EEO professionals and hiring managers. Additionally, select business schools are now using “DIVE IN” as a supplemental textbook. I hope you will consider “DIVE IN” too.

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Pub. Date: February 2016
Publisher: Paramount Market Publishing, Inc.
Format:  Paperback
ISBN-13: 9781941688403


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Disability in the Workplace—A Business Imperative According to Today’s Corporate Leaders “DIVE IN” is “Required Reading”

Dive In: Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce, enlightens readers regarding the untapped talent pool of people with disabilities, parents of children with special needs, and older workers with age-related impairments. Vogel, the CEO of Springboard Consulting LLC, offers guidance and corporate best practices relative to all issues and initiatives pertaining to the outreach, recruitment, employment, retention of people with disabilities. Dive In includes informative sidebars offering data and inspiration, examples of innovation, and even guidance on etiquette in potentially awkward situations.

The book is informed not only by Vogel’s vast expertise, but by statistics, and interviews that illuminate the best practices of today’s global business leaders. “Dive In provides the information and tools to better understand how to remove the barriers to employing this large, loyal segment of the population,” says Cisco’s John Chambers. The book has garnered advance praise from business and civic leaders, who call it “required reading”, “a timely reminder” and “a must read for any corporate leader today.” Why such strong directives? Because, as Tig Gilliam, Adecco CEO, says, “This is not simply because it’s the right or nice thing to do. Just as with other members of diverse work forces, people with disabilities bring new approaches to innovation and productivity that drive real business improvement. It is also important to consider the benefits to an organization’s corporate social responsibility efforts that engaging this important segment of the workforce will provide. This is why Dive In is such an important book for anyone in business.


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